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رجب طيب آردوغا يفوز بمأمورية رئاسية جديدة فى تركيا

أنباء انفو- أعلن فى تركيا اليوم الأحد فوز مرشح التحالف الجمهوري الحاكم في تركيا رجب طيب أردوغان، بفترة رئاسية ثالثة مدتها خمس سنوات، بعد حصوله على نسبة 52.50%، مقابل 47.50% لصالح كلجدار أوغلو، في نتائج غير رسمية، بعد أن فشل كلا المرشحين في تحقيق نسبة 50 + واحد، خلال الجولة الأولى من الانتخابات في 14 مايو الحالي.

نتيجة الفوز غير الرسمية جاءت  بعد فرز 100% من أصوات الناخبين، وسيتم إعلان النتيجة الرسمية من الهيئة العليا للانتخابات لاحقاً، وتنظر بالاعتراضات المقدمة من المعارضة. 

مواضيع مشابهة


  1. How Technology can Simplify Learning is a branch of knowledge that deals with chemicals and compounds consisting of atoms, which themselves are comprised of metals and other molecules. Writing essays and other journal articles is a requirement of studying science at each of these levels, which requires a deep knowledge of the topic. Even though the majority of students are aware of this, they somehow struggle to write compelling essays since their composing Programming assignment helper in USA abilities have not been developed to the necessary level. Because the writing component of the program is so challenging for the students, they seek
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  2. The “badges in education” refers to all of the actions for a company participates in in order to attract a certain market to its products or services via gamification of persuasive message. Long-term goals of marketing include demonstrating the value of the product, establishing brand loyalty, and ultimately and consumers with value that may be considered independent of the product itself. It is possible for a student to select marketing as their major for two reasons: first, they can be interested in the topic, and second, they might desire to do research. If a student possesses these two skills, it will be quite easy for them to write an assignment on any subject to do with marketing. However, if he does not have any interests of this kind and continues to consider , then it is quite likely that he would look for Online marketing assignment help in USA in order to ensure that he is able to hand in his assignments on time. In a shorter amount of time, the online essay helper will create precise papers for the needs that you discuss with marketing assignment help in USA, without sacrificing the quality of the papers for the quality. Make use of the marketing assignment help services to achieve success in both your academic and professional endeavours.

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